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Found (for Passion (PSN) in groupid)
.:: 9 Hits ::.

Handle: Cutcreator
Real Name: Allan Abildgaard Kirkeby
Country: Denmark
Groups: Ascension, Passion (PSN), Resistance (RSE - RSZ), Static Bytes (SB - STB - ST)

Handle: Decoy
Real Name: Danni Hansen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Abundance, Control, Curacy, D-29, Illi Recentes ImperatoreS (IRIS - IRS), License (LSC), Medicine, Orient (ORT), Passion (PSN), Scoopex (SCX)

Handle: Jake
Real Name: Jacob Larsen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Noise (NSE), Passion (PSN), Redland Productions, Subterranean Pioneers, Tarkus Team (TT)

Handle: Pearl
Real Name: Martin Glaz Serup
Country: Denmark
Groups: Abyss (AYS), Angelica (AGL), Apathy (APT), Autentic, Coma Dezign, Cosmic Energy, Dragon Designs, Parasite (PST), Passion (PSN), Quartz (QTZ), Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR)

Handle: Prophet
Real Name: Kristoffer Schultz
Country: Denmark
Groups: Anarchy (A), Balance (BLC), Chrome (CRM - CHR), Crayon, Focus Design (FD - FCS), Gladiators, Passion (PSN), Scoopex (SCX), Sound Division, Sound Vision, The Silents pc (TSL), Underground

Handle: Ramosa
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Denmark
Groups: Asylum, Connection, Legion (LGN), Oblivion (OBL), Passion (PSN), Perplex (PLX), Spoon (SPN)

Handle: Scorpion
Real Name: Steffen Skovgaard Nicolaisen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Control, Edge (EDG), Myth (MTH), Orient (ORT), Passion (PSN), Surprise!Productions (S!P), Visage (VSG)

Handle: The Whistle
Real Name: Thomas Andersen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Parasite (PST), Passion (PSN), Prologic Software Systems (Prologic - PSS), The Depredators (TDT)

Handle: Zarch
Real Name: Henrik Matzen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Addonic (ADC), HEAL Production, Hellfire (HF), Passion (PSN), Royal (RYL), Scoopex (SCX), The Action Team fake, Triflex (TFX), Upfront (UPF)

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