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Found (for Pirates (PTS - PRT) in groupid)
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Handle: Argular
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Altair, Pirates (PTS - PRT), The Seven Sign (TSS)

Handle: Beathoven
Real Name: Anders Eklund
Country: Norway
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Cluster
Real Name: Johan Aktas
Country: Sweden
Groups: Amaze (AMZ), Exalis (EXL), Gods (GDS), Insane (INS), Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Cruzer
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT), The Family, Unix One

Handle: Dr. Diesel
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Drew
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Division A, Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Eclipse
Real Name: David Rådberg
Country: Sweden
Groups: Abnormal (ANM), Jetset (JS), Meta Morphosis, Pirates (PTS - PRT), Pussy (PSY), Timex (TMX), Vogue (VGE)

Handle: Hobbes
Real Name: Mats Lundqvist
Country: Sweden
Groups: DIVINE, Infect (IFT), Medicine, Nuke, Paranoid (PRD - PAD), Pirates (PTS - PRT), Possessed (PSD), Racoon, Voice (VCE)

Handle: Hugo
Real Name: Thomas Soliman
Country: Norway
Groups: Abnormal (ANM), Andromeda (AOA - ADR), Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Nox
Real Name: Holger Meier
Country: Germany
Groups: Abakus, Agnostic Front (AF - AGF), Artefact, Circle, Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Legend ([L] - LGD), Oxyron (OXY), Paradise (PDS - PRD - PDE - PSE), Pirates (PTS - PRT), Sceptic ($ceptic - SCP - $CP - STC - $TC), Supplex (SX - SPX), Tech Design (Tech), Zenith (ZNT - Z), Zeus

Handle: Rat
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Ruskis
Real Name: Robert Larsson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Amaze (AMZ), Antagon, Damage (DMG), Dictators (DCT), Gods (GDS), Hardcore Design (HCD - HD), Insane (INS), Patriots, Pirates (PTS - PRT), Quixotic, Redline (RL), Revolution, Sence, Teladon

Handle: Subzero
Real Name: Axel Degwitz
Country: Germany
Groups: Coma (CMA), Crack Inc. (CRC), Damage Inc. (DMG Inc. - DI), Dynamix (DNX), Eaglesoft, Fairlight (FLT), Kaos Design, Magic Drummer Design (MDD), Ministry (MNS - MST), OKS Import Division (OKS I. D.), Paranoimia, Pirates (PTS - PRT), Selim Subzero Rudi (SSR), Skid Row (SR - SKR), The Company (CPY), The Powers That Be (TPTB), The Sunriders, Vision Factory (VF), World of Wonders (WOW)

Handle: Titan
Real Name: Sanlier Sok
Country: Turkey
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT), Road Riders, The Strangers (STR)

Handle: Treat
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Pirates (PTS - PRT)

Handle: Vacum
Real Name: Daniel Hansson
Country: R.I.P. Sweden
Groups: Emotion, Golems, Lunacy, Moment 22 (M22), Nordic Beat, Pirates (PTS - PRT), Sagazity (SGZ), Ward, Zone 45 (Z45)

Handle: X-Ces
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Legend ([L] - LGD), Pirates (PTS - PRT)

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