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Found (for The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B) in groupid)
.:: 14 Hits ::.

Handle: Ale
Real Name: Tommi Vaikkinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Exotic Men (EXM - (E)), Sarvet, The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), Victim

Handle: Bill
Real Name: Jussi Maki
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: HiJack
Real Name: Ralf Sebastian Tiittanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Arclite (aL), Grace (GRC - GCE), Insane (INS), Krafted (KRF), Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Legend ([L] - LGD), Midnight Sun (MNS), Nuance (NCE), Palace (PLC), Parallax Designs (Parallax - PRX - PLX), Surprise!Productions (S!P), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), The Special Brothers (TSB), World Industries (WDI)

Handle: Jake
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Katy
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Macy
Real Name: n/a
Country: Denmark
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: MH
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Mick
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Pierre
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Rastaman
Real Name: Timo Laulajainen
Country: Finland Sweden
Groups: Calibra, Depth (DPH - DTH), Humane (HMN), Humane-Vanity (HMN & VTY - H&V), Insane (INS), KONE, Lingo (LNG), Live Act, Moods (MDS), mOOds pLAtEAU (MDS), Salami Tactics, Smoke Studio, The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), Visual Bytes (VB), Wild Style (W^S)

Handle: Sardine
Real Name: Johannes Norrman
Country: Finland
Groups: Aikarele, Decept (DCT), Parallax Designs (Parallax - PRX - PLX), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Saul
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B)

Handle: Stargazer
Real Name: Antti Oksanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alien Adenoids, Azure, Chablis, Complex (CLX), Delusion Design, Doom, Equinox (EQX), Euphoria (EPH), Extreme (E), Sonic (SON - SNC), Sonik Clique, Squad One, Stellar (STR), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), The Special Brothers (TSB), Vision-X, Zaxon

Handle: Stealth
Real Name: Atte Sarvela
Country: Finland
Groups: Krafted (KRF), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), World Industries (WDI)

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