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Found (for Vortex 42 (V42) in groupid)

Vortex 42 (V42)

.:: 10 Hits ::.

Handle: Antiaction
Real Name: Stefan Boberg
Country: Sweden
Groups: Angels, Computerbrains Cracking Service (CCS), D-Mob, Defjam (DJ), Phenomena (PHA), Red Sector Inc. (RSI), Tetragon (T), The Software Wizards (TSW), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Crome
Real Name: Jimi Haukilahti
Country: Sweden
Groups: Font, Phenomena (PHA), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Drake
Real Name: Carsten Ohlsen
Country: Sweden
Groups: Endless Piracy (EP), Fairlight (FLT), Fresh (FSH), Northstar (NS - NTH - North Star), Science 451 (S451 - 451), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Earthshaker
Real Name: Hans Bergstedt
Country: Sweden
Groups: Electra, The Golden Tribute (Golden Tribute - GT), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Firefox
Real Name: Jimmy Robert Kenneth Fredriksson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Musicline (ML), Phenomena (PHA), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Genius
Real Name: Anders Wergeni
Country: Sweden
Groups: Amnesia Composing, D-Mob, Fairlight (FLT), Hypnosis, Mute 101, Newline (NL), Pain (P!), Shame Designs, Vogue Designs, Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Hypnotic
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Dream Warriors, Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Oberheim
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Sal
Real Name: Andreas Larsson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Electra, Software of Sweden (SOS), Vortex 42 (V42)

Handle: Scyphe
Real Name: Daniel Nilssen
Country: Sweden
Groups: Asia, Dataman, Defiance (DFC), Hitech, Hypnosis, Mirage International (Mirage Int.), Rangers, Spectral, Vortex 42 (V42), Ydex

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