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Found (for Angelica (AGL) in groupid)
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Handle: Accord
Real Name: Marcin Gackowski
Country: Poland R.I.P.
Groups: Alchemy, Angelica (AGL), Gel Dezign (GD), Old Bulls (OLB - OB), Scope, Tilt

Handle: Cromax
Real Name: Tomislaw Kitynski
Country: Poland
Groups: Alchemy, Angelica (AGL)

Handle: Kallestrup
Real Name: Johnny Frøhling Kallestrup
Country: Denmark
Groups: Ambrosia (A!A - ABR - ABA), Angelica (AGL), Illi Recentes ImperatoreS (IRIS - IRS), Tomato Dezign (TD), Tomato Dreams (TD)

Handle: Muttley
Real Name: Kim Lebech
Country: Denmark
Groups: Addicts (ADT), Angelica (AGL), Disaster (DST), Litany, Puzzle (PZL), Transonic

Handle: Pearl
Real Name: Martin Glaz Serup
Country: Denmark
Groups: Abyss (AYS), Angelica (AGL), Apathy (APT), Autentic, Coma Dezign, Cosmic Energy, Dragon Designs, Parasite (PST), Passion (PSN), Quartz (QTZ), Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR)

Handle: The Clash
Real Name: Are Kjetil Kolltveit
Country: Norway
Groups: Abundance, Alchemy, Angelica (AGL), Misc Design, Recline

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