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Found (for Artificial People (AP) in groupid)
.:: 6 Hits ::.

Handle: Black Dragon
Real Name: Paul Pacheco
Country: France
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Heretia (HTA), Honoo, Illusion (ILS - ILL), Limited Edition (LED - L.E.D.), Moons, The Dragons Brothers (TDB)

Handle: Falcon
Real Name: Juha Vaisanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Disknet, Phoenix (PHX - PNX)

Handle: HP
Real Name: Henrique Pacheco
Country: France
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Heretia (HTA), Honoo, Illusion (ILS - ILL), Limited Edition (LED - L.E.D.)

Handle: Johu
Real Name: Juho Järvinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Cubicle pc

Handle: Kalsu
Real Name: Mikko Kallinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Mellow Chips (MC), TCE, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Thain
Real Name: Timo Savola
Country: Finland
Groups: Artificial People (AP), Digital (DTL), Sensible

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