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Found (for Awesome (ASE) in groupid)
.:: 12 Hits ::.

Handle: Apollo
Real Name: Michael Baumann
Country: Germany
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Hypnotic (HPN - HYC), Vanish (VSH)

Handle: Bexter
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Awesome (ASE)

Handle: Cobra
Real Name: Karsten Döring
Country: Germany
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Pleasure (PLS)

Handle: Dino
Real Name: Dion René Jørgensen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Budbrain, DIED, Parasite (PST), Prologic Software Systems (Prologic - PSS), Spoon (SPN), The Cult (CLT - Cult - Cultural Productions), The Electronic Knights (TEK), Trilogy (TGY - T)

Handle: Elliot
Real Name: Jonas Hall
Country: Sweden
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Vox Dei

Handle: Klorathy
Real Name: Martin Zettergren
Country: Sweden
Groups: Awesome (ASE), CORPSE, Delight (DLT), Freezers (FRS - FRZ), Ram Jam (RJ - RJM), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Supplex (SX - SPX), Vox Dei, X-Trade (XTD - XTR)

Handle: Krueger
Real Name: Carsten Larsen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Brain Wave (BW - BrainWave), Kefrens (KFS - K - KEF), Prologic Software Systems (Prologic - PSS), Spaceballs (SPB - SB - SPC), The Eleminator and Lucifer Software Team (E&L Software Team), WIZ

Handle: Peavey
Real Name: Thomas Syversen
Country: Norway
Groups: Andromeda (AOA - ADR), Awesome (ASE), Devils (DVS - DEV), Offence (OFF!), Shamrock, Supernova, Surprise!Productions (S!P)

Handle: Senic
Real Name: n/a
Country: Denmark
Groups: Awesome (ASE)

Handle: Shadowfire
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Vox Dei

Handle: The Whistle
Real Name: Thomas Andersen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Awesome (ASE), Parasite (PST), Passion (PSN), Prologic Software Systems (Prologic - PSS), The Depredators (TDT)

Handle: Tomcat
Real Name: Frank Greshake
Country: Germany
Groups: Access (ACS - ACC), Alpha Flight (AFL), Awesome (ASE), Betrayal (Golden Betrayal - BTL), Coma (CMA), Complex (CLX), Exage, Shining 8 (S8), The Exterminators (Exterminators), Zylon (ZLN)

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