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Handle: Alfatech
Real Name: Che Lalic
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: Alphatech, Che Lalic, Zeus, Alpha, Alfa
Was a member of: Atomic, Byterapers Inc. ((B) - BR), Censor Design (Censor - CSR - CD), Hitmen, Phenomena (PHA), Phoenix (PHX - PNX), Royalty, Ruthless, Sargon, Sector 90, The Gang (TG), Triad (3AD), Triangle (TRI)

Modules: 7  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: 6  online

.:: 7 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
c64 mix Alfatech MOD 78Kb
heavy metal(is law) Alfatech MOD 253Kb
parallax Alfatech MOD 20Kb
rysk Alfatech MOD 3Kb
rysk rocker Alfatech MOD 11Kb
speed turca Alfatech & TDM MOD 5Kb
wizball-terra crest Alfatech MOD 24Kb

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