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Handle: Kaktus
Real Name: Anders Berkeman
Lived in: Sweden
Ex.Handles: n/a
Was a member of: Defiers c64, Fairlight (FLT), Mahoney and Kaktus, Northstar (NS - NTH - North Star), Triad (3AD)

Modules: 32  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)

.:: 32 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
Blue breath Kaktus STK 49Kb
blue damage Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 7Kb
cell-scape (68) Kaktus & Mahoney STK 106Kb
Cymbalic Hymnicum Kaktus STK 51Kb
death and horor Kaktus STK 59Kb
defroster Kaktus STK 56Kb
defroster.long Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 64Kb
Driurd Kaktus STK 60Kb
el Kaktus & Mahoney STK 47Kb
falconstruck Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 41Kb
fyrenelsa Kaktus MOD 60Kb
gestorben 1946 Kaktus & Mahoney STK 74Kb
Gnomes on my mind Kaktus STK 61Kb
gobba Kaktus STK 26Kb
golvmopp Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 68Kb
gommolassmot iii Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 54Kb
grztsnl Kaktus STK 21Kb
Gubb I ladan Kaktus STK 37Kb
gyttja Kaktus & Mahoney STK 66Kb
hobbyslakt Kaktus & Mahoney STK 58Kb
infinite work Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 59Kb
Joyfridgecounter Kaktus STK 50Kb
Liquid turtle Kaktus STK 64Kb
Lsd Kaktus STK 106Kb
peggy go home Kaktus & Mahoney MOD 51Kb
Peter gnu Kaktus STK 110Kb
prins Kaktus STK 58Kb
running Kaktus & Mahoney & Zizyphus & Friday & Moppe & Pascal & Yabba STK 75Kb
Takila Kaktus STK 52Kb
Telluri Kaktus STK 96Kb
The last sin Kaktus STK 37Kb
yumm's balljam Kaktus MOD 34Kb

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