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Handle: SML
Real Name: Thierry Schwyter
Lived in: France
Ex.Handles: Supermale, Dr. Gang
Was a member of: Delight (DLT), Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), Paradox (PDX), The Brainstormers

Modules: 15  online
Interview: none available - (click me to download the interview form!)
Pictures: n/a

.:: 15 Hits ::.
Module Composer Format Size Infos
brainstormers-sml6 SML MOD 22Kb
drg01-moving SML MOD 33Kb
DRG02-awm SML MOD 25Kb
DRGxx-r-type mix SML MOD 56Kb
firebird by sml SML MOD 62Kb
fright night SML MOD 107Kb
robmedley SML MOD 61Kb
sml 01 SML MOD 42Kb
sml 04 SML MOD 41Kb
sml 05 SML MOD 27Kb
sml 05 New SML MOD 38Kb
sml 09 HardVersion SML MOD 91Kb
sml25-amiganews SML MOD 23Kb
sml29-war SML MOD 30Kb
sml29-war.long SML MOD 31Kb

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