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Found (for Chrome (CRM - CHR) in groupid)
.:: 15 Hits ::.

Handle: Blue Fox
Real Name: Thøger Wessel
Country: Denmark
Groups: Balance (BLC), Camelot pc (CML), Chrome (CRM - CHR), Scoopex (SCX), Sound Division

Handle: Coma
Real Name: Esko Tiainen
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Incubus, Virtual Design (VDI)

Handle: DJ Joge
Real Name: Jouko Karhula
Country: Finland
Groups: Brainstorm (BRS), Chrome (CRM - CHR), Exodus (EXD)

Handle: Dr. Jive
Real Name: Taneli Kukkonen
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Master Crew, Vectra

Handle: Einstein
Real Name: Kristopher Eryk Roebuck
Country: Australia
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Dragon Software, Metrex, Project: Synthesis, Sonic Dragons, Vipor FX

Handle: Grade
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Master Crew, Vectra

Handle: Joplin
Real Name: Joonas Krogerus
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Master Crew, SemiCoders

Handle: Maniac
Real Name: Lassi Vuokko
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Diffusion (DFN), Falcons (FLCS)

Handle: Napalm
Real Name: Chris Debnam
Country: Australia USA
Groups: Addicts (ADT), Affinity pc (AFY), Chrome (CRM - CHR), The Lunatics (LNCS - LNS - Lunatics), Toons

Handle: Prophet
Real Name: Kristoffer Schultz
Country: Denmark
Groups: Anarchy (A), Balance (BLC), Chrome (CRM - CHR), Crayon, Focus Design (FD - FCS), Gladiators, Passion (PSN), Scoopex (SCX), Sound Division, Sound Vision, The Silents pc (TSL), Underground

Handle: Prototype
Real Name: Steve
Country: Australia
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Toons

Handle: Sir Monkey
Real Name: Ari Petteri Kallio
Country: Finland
Groups: Axion, Chrome (CRM - CHR), Deathstar, StarLine, Team-X

Handle: The Ape Face
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR)

Handle: Tricktrax
Real Name: Martin Buch
Country: Denmark
Groups: Ambrosia (A!A - ABR - ABA), Balance (BLC), Chrome (CRM - CHR), Depth (DPH - DTH), Disaster (DST), HAWK, Hurricane, Illi Recentes ImperatoreS (IRIS - IRS), Puzzle (PZL), Tribe (TRB)

Handle: Tyrell
Real Name: Markus Lehto
Country: Finland
Groups: Chrome (CRM - CHR), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Dual Crew (DC), Vectra

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