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Found (for Cyanide in groupid)
.:: 14 Hits ::.

Handle: Atrox
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Cyanide

Handle: Baby Joe
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Curacy, Cyanide, Delicious Designs (Delicious - DLS)

Handle: Daddy 2 Foot
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Cyanide

Handle: Dr. Love
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Curacy, Cyanide

Handle: Dynamite
Real Name: Sirko Zidlewitz
Country: Germany
Groups: Analog (ALG - A), Cyanide, Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Noxious (NXS), Rebels (RBS - RBL)

Handle: Esaree
Real Name: Sascha Duyzer
Country: The Netherlands R.I.P.
Groups: Applause (APL), Cyanide, Mellow (MLW), Mirage (MRG - MGE), Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL), Xentrix (XTX)

Handle: Hawk
Real Name: Mark Blosma
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Cyanide, Da Bagger Production Posse (DBPP - D.B.P.P. - Bagger Posse - BGR), Effect (EFT), Effect pc (EFT), IRA (I.R.A.), Sanctuary, Testament (TMT - TST), Xentrix (XTX)

Handle: Haywire
Real Name: Arno Bouwes
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Cyanide, Exotic, Intense (ITS - I), Score, Xentrix (XTX)

Handle: Magic
Real Name: Fulco Koops
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Applause (APL), Balance (BLC), Cyanide, Da Bagger Production Posse (DBPP - D.B.P.P. - Bagger Posse - BGR), Exotic c64, Hugi, Mirage (MRG - MGE), Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), Xentrix (XTX)

Handle: Quazar
Real Name: n/a
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Applause (APL), Centura, Cyanide, Scorpio (SCP), The Lunatics (LNCS - LNS - Lunatics), Xentrix (XTX)

Handle: Radium
Real Name: Laurens van Klaveren
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: Applause (APL), Centura, Cyanide, Once, Oops (OPS), Scorpio (SCP), Septic (STC), The Lunatics (LNCS - LNS - Lunatics)

Handle: Sonic
Real Name: Paul McGowan
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Apocalypse-UK, Cyanide, CyberDreams, Fact, Nerve Axis (NVX), Phuture 303 (P303), Rave Network Overscan (RNO - R.N.O.)

Handle: TNT
Real Name: Ralf Merker
Country: Germany
Groups: Analog (ALG - A), Cyanide, Elicma (ECA), Resolution, Vision Inc.

Handle: Uri
Real Name: Steve Bardouille
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Chaos (CS), Cyanide, Damage (DMG), The Sound Craft

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