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Found (for Emotion in groupid)
.:: 5 Hits ::.

Handle: Fash
Real Name: Johan Persson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Classic (CLS - CLC), Emotion, Fake, Silver Productions

Handle: Neutrino
Real Name: Magnus Jarlbrink
Country: Sweden
Groups: Emotion

Handle: Pepe
Real Name: Dirk Kakerow
Country: Germany
Groups: Emotion, Hardline (HDL), Hysteric (HTC), Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Subzero (Sub0)

Handle: Trigon
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Area 08 (A08), Bitrex, Emotion, Software of Sweden (SOS), Tetragon (T)

Handle: Vacum
Real Name: Daniel Hansson
Country: R.I.P. Sweden
Groups: Emotion, Golems, Lunacy, Moment 22 (M22), Nordic Beat, Pirates (PTS - PRT), Sagazity (SGZ), Ward, Zone 45 (Z45)

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