Found (for Prime Design (Prime) in groupid )
.:: 5 Hits ::. |
Handle: | Balrog | Real Name: | Andreas Dagnell | Country: | | Groups: | Bazooka, Blocc, Creation (CRN), Cute, Drastic Records, Elfsong, Groove (GRV), Kosmic Free Music Foundation (KFMF), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Noice (NOC), Prime Design (Prime), Proxima (PRX), Psycho Squad! (PSD), Purple Turtle (PTL), Replay, Tea, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM) |
Handle: | Sonic | Real Name: | Marcus Thiel | Country: | | Groups: | Act, Artwork (ATW - ART), Avantgarde (AVT), Brilliance (BCE), Dental, Desert (DST), Epic, Mad Elks (MDE), Maximum (MxM), Neo (N!), Orion (ORN), Platin (PLT), Prime Design (Prime), Pulse, Vanish (VSH) |
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