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Found (for Spreadpoint (SP - SPT) in groupid)
.:: 13 Hits ::.

Handle: Cocaine
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: A&C, Adept, Amiga Industries and Spreadpoint (AISP), Crest, Spreadpoint (SP - SPT)

Handle: Daryl
Real Name: Romain Duzéa
Country: France
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Apology, Babygang, Delight (DLT), MentasM (MTS), Paradox (PDX), Ringard Production, Shining, Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), The Silents (TSL), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Dr. Avalanche
Real Name: Rene Küppers
Country: Germany
Groups: Adept, Bonzai Bros (Bonzai - BB - BNZ), Bonzai Revival, Chaos Bros (CB), Gods (GDS), Illusion (ILS - ILL), Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), Vodka

Handle: Ernie
Real Name: Jörg Wiegand
Country: Germany
Groups: Counterforce, Deffpaccers (DP), Infect (IFT), Memorial, Panic, Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), The Electric Touch (TET)

Handle: George II
Real Name: Georg Essl
Country: Austria
Groups: Defjam (DJ), Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), Subway, Subway and Spreadpoint (SSP), Subway and The Dream Team (STDT), The Dream Team (TDT), The Professionals

Handle: Ghetto
Real Name: Heinz Brasch
Country: Germany
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Doctor Mabuse Orgasm Crackings (DOC), Laser Computer Design (LCD), Level Four (Level 4 - L4 - L'4), Shadow Light (SHL), Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), Sunlight, Wildfire (WF - WFC)

Handle: Little Stegman
Real Name: Thorben Gerdes
Country: Germany
Groups: Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), The Coke Group c64

Handle: Lord
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Germany
Groups: Spreadpoint (SP - SPT)

Handle: Munster
Real Name: Gunther
Country: Germany
Groups: Spreadpoint (SP - SPT)

Handle: Psy
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Axxis (AX), Spreadpoint (SP - SPT)

Handle: Starbuck
Real Name: Torsten Gellrich
Country: Germany
Groups: Amiga Industries and Spreadpoint (AISP), Black Division, Demonware, Spreadpoint (SP - SPT)

Handle: Tip
Real Name: Armin Sander
Country: Germany
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), The New Masters (TNM), The Prophets AG (The Prophets), Tups

Handle: Voyce
Real Name: François Morel
Country: France
Groups: Aliens (ALS), Alpha Flight (AFL), Avenger (AVG), Copyright Destroyers Inc. (CDI - C.D.I.), Crack Band Crew (CBC - C.B.C), Crack Inc. (CRC), Crash, Crystal (CSL), Delight (DLT), DiskFighters, Equinox France, Fusion (FSN), Genesis (GNS), Index, Interpol (IPL), Lame Group Cracking Service System (LGCSS), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Model, Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), Nemesis (NMS), Oracle (OCL), Paradox (PDX), Paranoimia, Quartex (QTX), Raid, Rebels (RBS - RBL), Sinners, Skid Row (SR - SKR), Sphere, Spreadpoint (SP - SPT), The Brainstormers, The Dream Team pc (TDT), The Great Swappers (TGS), The Powerslaves (TPS - PSL), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), Upsiders, Vision Factory (VF), Ys

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