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Found (for Upfront (UPF) in groupid)

Upfront (UPF)

.:: 7 Hits ::.

Handle: Johannes Bjerregaard
Real Name: Johannes Bjerregård
Country: Denmark
Groups: Danish Music Company (DMC), Maniacs of Noise (MON), Technoflight (TNF - TCF), Upfront (UPF)

Handle: Metal
Real Name: Torben Korgaard Hansen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Abnormal (ANM), Analogue (ANA), Avantgarde (AVT), Bonzai c64 (BZ), Camelot c64 (CML), Contex (CTX), Crest c64 (C), Deadline 4884 (4884), Flash Incorporated c64 (Flash Inc. - FHI), Fudge, Humanoids (HMN), I.D., Marvel c64, Regina (REG), Sacred Noise (SN), Starion c64 (STR), Success & The Ruling Company (SCS*TRC), The Atomic Freaks (TAF), The Pulse Magazine Staff c64 (TPM - Pulse), Unit 2 (U2), Unitech Designs c64, Upfront (UPF), V.I.P. Division (VIP Division), Vibrants (VIB), World Wide Expressive (WWE), Zone 7 (Z7)

Handle: Pacman
Real Name: Michael
Country: Denmark
Groups: Humanoids (HMN), The Brainstormers, Upfront (UPF)

Handle: Spacebrain
Real Name: Thomas Tofft Williams
Country: Denmark
Groups: Ambrosia (A!A - ABR - ABA), Dreamline Designs (DLD), Inzzest, Kingdom (KGD), Mystic (MST), Stallion, Tarkus Team (TT), Trivium (TVM), Upfront (UPF)

Handle: Tivurr
Real Name: Klaus Mulvad Nielsen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Ascension, Direct, Kefrens (KFS - K - KEF), Polka Brothers (PB), The Movement (MVT - MOT - MNT), Upfront (UPF)

Handle: Unison
Real Name: Nicklas Schmidt
Country: Denmark
Groups: Impact Dk, Kaos Design, Oxyron (OXY), Rebels (RBS - RBL), The Bastards (Bastards - BSD), Upfront (UPF)

Handle: Zarch
Real Name: Henrik Matzen
Country: Denmark
Groups: Addonic (ADC), HEAL Production, Hellfire (HF), Passion (PSN), Royal (RYL), Scoopex (SCX), The Action Team fake, Triflex (TFX), Upfront (UPF)

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