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Found (for The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM) in groupid)
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Handle: Alkama
Real Name: Mathieu Moncharmont
Country: France
Groups: Calodox (CDX), Far&High, French Collective, MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Axl
Real Name: Thomas Axelsson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Epinicion (EPI), Tea, The Dennis Courtney 5 (DC5), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Balrog
Real Name: Andreas Dagnell
Country: Sweden
Groups: Bazooka, Blocc, Creation (CRN), Cute, Drastic Records, Elfsong, Groove (GRV), Kosmic Free Music Foundation (KFMF), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Noice (NOC), Prime Design (Prime), Proxima (PRX), Psycho Squad! (PSD), Purple Turtle (PTL), Replay, Tea, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Croaker
Real Name: Jaakko Iisalo
Country: Finland
Groups: Halcyon (H!), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Distance
Real Name: Esa Juhani Ruoho
Country: Finland
Groups: Amour, Brainlez Coders (BC - bC!), Calodox (CDX), Digital Artists Wired Nation (Dawn3), HiRMU, Kahvi, Lackluster, Level-D (LVD), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), Milk, Mono211 (M211), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Orange, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Dreamer
Real Name: Ole-Christian Fosmo
Country: Norway
Groups: Sublogic, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Feather
Real Name: Antti Jäderholm
Country: Finland Spain
Groups: Amen, Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Glue Team (GT), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Island of Reil
Real Name: Jesse Rothenberg
Country: USA
Groups: Epinicion (EPI), Hornet (HRN), The Dennis Courtney 5 (DC5), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Jiku
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Jisemdu
Real Name: Øyvind Jakobsen
Country: Norway
Groups: Dance (D), Dr. Dyregod (DRD), Fluff (FLF), Maak Productions (Maak - MK), Proxima (PRX), Shadows Of The Underground (SOTU - ST), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Lluvia
Real Name: Anne Haessig
Country: France Sweden
Groups: Bomb!, eVe, Level-D (LVD), Ribbon, Sunlikamelo-D (SLK), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Loonie
Real Name: Ulf Liedberg
Country: Sweden
Groups: Analogue Music (Analogue), Caps Lock, Deluxe pc, Digisonix, Fairlight (FLT), Groove (GRV), Loop, Mimik, Night 55 (Night55 - N55), OZ, Ram Jam (RJ - RJM), Replay, Star Technologies, Tea, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Trance (TCE), XIT

Handle: Manka
Real Name: n/a
Country: Hungary
Groups: Autopsy (AY - A!Y), Exceed (EXD - E), Pathos pc (PTS), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Mefis
Real Name: Carsten Pasternack
Country: Germany
Groups: Funk, HiRMU, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Tokyo Dawn Records (TDR)

Handle: Mellow-D
Real Name: Jaako Manninen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Deadline (DLN - DDL), Divina (DVA), Five Musicians (FM), Hardcode (HDC), Hornet (HRN), Imphobia (IMP), Insane Creators Entreprise (iCE), Kosmic Free Music Foundation (KFMF), Miranda, Razkels, Securitate, Sonic (SON - SNC), Sonik Clique, Surprise!Productions (S!P), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Vision (VSN), X-Beat

Handle: Oce
Real Name: Kim Andre Erikssen
Country: Norway
Groups: Index, NuCLear, Pimp, Proxima (PRX), Sublogic, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Optic
Real Name: Hans Ingar Johansen
Country: Norway
Groups: Awe, Banana Dezign (BDZ - BD), Desire (DSR), Devils (DVS - DEV), Domestic, Dominants, Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Focus Design (FD - FCS), Planet Jazz (PJZ), Replay, Shamrock, Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL), Talent pc (TLN - TLT - TAL), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Theralite, Tokyo Dawn Records (TDR), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Poison
Real Name: Taymaz Fazli
Country: Sweden
Groups: Blocc, DIVINE, Goto10, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: PS
Real Name: Filipe Cruz
Country: Portugal
Groups: Calodox (CDX), Jumalauta (JML), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Radix
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Sweden
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Analogue Music (Analogue), Balance (BLC), Bazooka, Deluxe pc, Digisonix, Duplo (DPL), Groove (GRV), Insane (INS), Level-D (LVD), Limited Edition (LED - L.E.D.), Meka Design (MKD - Meka), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Phenomena (PHA), Pulse (PLS), Replay, Smoke, Solitude (SDE), The Black Lotus (TBL), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Rez
Real Name: Christophe Résigné
Country: France
Groups: AGOA, Digisonix, ECLIPSE, Karma, Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Teque
Real Name: Tero Kostermaa
Country: Finland
Groups: Aggression st, Anterpe Kiew, ArabCore, Armada st, Braincell Project, Da Ghetto Broz (daGB), DEE, Depressive, ISO, Issue, Salamanteri Music (Salamander), Tarzan Tuotanto (tAAt), The Black Lotus (TBL), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Trauma Child Genesis (TRC - TCG - Trauma)

Handle: Tito
Real Name: Johan Lars Althoff
Country: Sweden
Groups: Aeon, Analogue Music (Analogue), Bazooka, Candela (CNA), Cascada (CCA - CDA), Cryonics pc, Groove (GRV), Honey (HNY), Ozone (OZ - o3), Plum, StarBreeze Studios, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Tuxu
Real Name: Tuomas Tanner
Country: Finland
Groups: Glue Team (GT), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Unreal
Real Name: Wojtek W. Podgorski
Country: Poland
Groups: Black Hole, Carillon & Cyberiad (CNCD - CC), Fear, Investation pc (INV), Pulse (PLS), Sunflower, Surprise!Productions (S!P), The Clan, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Virtual Dreams (VD)

Handle: Vector
Real Name: Elliott Noel
Country: Canada
Groups: Neurosis, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Vinlandia

Handle: WayOut
Real Name: Juho Hietala
Country: Finland
Groups: Creaction, Gzar, Retro A.C., The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Xhale
Real Name: Erik K. Skodvin
Country: Norway
Groups: Calamity, Dah Beep, Donut Fetish (DNF), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Haujobb (HJB), KMY, Miasmah, NCT, Phrenetik (PK), Poise Records (PSR), System-X32 (System X32 - SX32), The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM), Theralite, Tokyo Dawn Records (TDR), TP

Handle: Zauron
Real Name: Gustav Espenes
Country: Norway
Groups: Analogue Music (Analogue), Dance (D), Index, INDEX pc (IDX), Maak Productions (Maak - MK), Pimp, Solid, Sonic Element, The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Zodiak
Real Name: Erik Stridell
Country: Sweden
Groups: Cascada (CCA - CDA), Complex (CLX), Five Musicians (FM), Fraggabaharje, Groove (GRV), Imphobia (IMP), OMEGA, Pacman Prod., The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

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