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Found (for D-Tect (DTC) in groupid)
.:: 9 Hits ::.

Handle: Cyfrak
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: Anarchy (A), D-Tect (DTC), Endless Piracy (EP)

Handle: Mantronix
Real Name: n/a
Country: Germany
Groups: D-Tect (DTC)

Handle: Music-Steve
Real Name: Stefan Herr
Country: Germany
Groups: Avenger (AVG), D-Tect (DTC), Prism-Illusion, The Supervisors (TSV), YANKEES

Handle: Paso
Real Name: Alexander Pannwitz
Country: Germany
Groups: D-Tect (DTC), Delirium (DLM), Dynamic Technologies (DYTEC - DTC), Dynamix (DNX), Miracle (MIR), Unsere Doofen Ossis (UDO - U.D.O)

Handle: Skaga
Real Name: Dirk Ekelund
Country: Germany
Groups: D-Tect (DTC), Panic, Shining 8 (S8), Triplex

Handle: Trazer
Real Name: Jimmy Paul Hansson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Classic (CLS - CLC), D-Tect (DTC), Danger Productions, Delight (DLT), ENERGY (ENG), Orient (ORT), Silver Productions

Handle: Twisted
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Germany
Groups: D-Tect (DTC)

Handle: Unknown
Real Name: Michael Kleps
Country: Germany
Groups: D-Tect (DTC), Doctor Mabuse Orgasm Crackings (DOC)

Handle: Yankee
Real Name: Holger Blaschka
Country: Germany
Groups: Addonic (ADC), Brainstorm (BRS), D-Tect (DTC)

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