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Found (for Beuhhh in groupid)
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Handle: Feedback
Real Name: Pascal Robinet
Country: France
Groups: Beuhhh, Phantom

Handle: Moby
Real Name: Frédéric Motte
Country: France
Groups: Acoustic Dreams, Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Alliance Design (AD), Apology, Atreid Concept, Beuhhh, Dragons (D), Dreamdealers (DRD), Impact Inc., NoooN, Northstar fr, Sanity (SNT - S)

Handle: Monty
Real Name: Benjamin Pages
Country: France
Groups: Amiga Music Preservation Team (AMP), Analog (ALG - A), Angels, Beuhhh, Boing Prods, Brain Damage, C.O.D (COD), Equinox (EQX), Hoodlum (HDL - HLM), Interpol (IPL), Nirvana, Overkyll, Paradox (PDX), Scoopex (SCX), Skid Row (SR - SKR), Swans (SWS), TBBC, The Frog Buds (TFB - Frog), US, Vodka Brothers, Yankees

Handle: Ra
Real Name: Olivier Jean Charles Béchard
Country: France
Groups: Beuhhh, Devils (DVS - DEV), Dreamdealers (DRD), NoooN, Paradox (PDX), Pure Metal Coders (PMC - P.M.C.), Sanity (SNT - S)

Handle: Reflex
Real Name: Frédéric Cordier
Country: France
Groups: Alphaville, Analog (ALG - A), Atlantys (ATS), Beuhhh, Crystal (CSL), Delight (DLT), Maniac of SynthetiK (MOS), Oops! (O!), Rebels (RBS - RBL), The Movement (MVT - MOT - MNT), Venom (VNM)

Handle: Schmoovy Schmoov
Real Name: Sébastien Atoch
Country: Canada France
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Barbarians, Beuhhh, Complex (CLX), Crystal (CSL), Digital (DTL), Graal, Liquid (LQD), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Negat!ve D-Zign (Negative D-Zign - Negative), SoLariS (SLS), The Pornos, US

Handle: Suny
Real Name: Corentin Jaffré
Country: France
Groups: Anarchy (A), Beuhhh, Bomb!, Rebels (RBS - RBL), Scoopex (SCX), Speed, The Movement (MVT - MOT - MNT), US

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