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Found (for Complex (CLX) in groupid)
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Handle: Alex
Real Name: Alexandre Garnier
Country: France
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Complex (CLX), Cyclone (CLE), Digital (DTL), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Oops! (O!), The Movement (MVT - MOT - MNT), The Silents (TSL), Willow (WiW)

Handle: Audiomonster
Real Name: Raphaël Gesqua
Country: France
Groups: Alliance Design (AD), Anarchy (A), Complex (CLX), Crystal (CSL), Delight (DLT), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Quartex (QTX), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Sound Wizards (SDW), Sphere, The Silents (TSL), TomSoft, Ys

Handle: Bit Arts
Real Name: Norbert Röcher
Country: Germany
Groups: Brainstorm (BRS), Complex (CLX), Exact, Proton Limited (Proton Ltd. - PTN - Proton), Red Sector Inc. (RSI), Sanity (SNT - S), The Clumsy Creepers (TCC Design), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Carebear
Real Name: Erik Lyden
Country: Finland
Groups: Charon (CH), Complex (CLX), Cryptoburners (CRB), Da Jormas (.jRM - Jormas), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), HiRMU, Insane (INS), Jamm, Komplex (KLX), Krafted (KRF), Mono211 (M211), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Nerve Axis (NVX), Orange, Quirk, The Black Lotus (TBL), WD, World Industries (WDI)

Handle: Chromag
Real Name: Timm Albers
Country: Germany
Groups: AcmE pc, Addonic (ADC), Artwork (ATW - ART), Complex (CLX), Crux (CRX), Desire (DSR), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Dual Crew (DC), Ecstasy (XTC), End of Century 1999 (EOC 1999 - EOC), Essence (ESC), Exult, Fairlight (FLT), Flying Cows Inc. (FCI - F.C.I.), Haujobb (HJB), Lego (LGO), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), Megaforce Crackings (MFC - Megaforce), Neural pc, OCS-Farts, Platin (PLT), Polka Brothers (PB), Proton Limited (Proton Ltd. - PTN - Proton), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Rebels pc (RBS - RBL), Royal Amiga Force (RAF), Spaceballs (SPB - SB - SPC), Talent (TLN - TLT - TAL), Talent pc (TLN - TLT - TAL), TDC, The Black Lotus (TBL), The Cult (CLT - Cult - Cultural Productions), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), Tristar (TRS), Vision Factory (VF)

Handle: Clawz
Real Name: Mathieu Berthaud
Country: France
Groups: Bomb!, Complex (CLX), Delight (DLT), Digital (DTL), Extreme (E), Fusion (FSN), Impact Studios, Interface, Negat!ve D-Zign (Negative D-Zign - Negative), Nolem, Oxygene (OXG), Phantasm (PHM), The Special Brothers (TSB), Urban Design

Handle: Cockatrice
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Cyberiad (CD), Wizzcat (WZC)

Handle: Crazy Crack
Real Name: Boris Fornefeld
Country: Germany
Groups: Complex (CLX), Mexx (M), Polka Brothers (PB), Tech Design (Tech)

Handle: d-Zire
Real Name: David Johan Elfström
Country: Sweden
Groups: Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine (AM/FM - AMFM), Antiloop, Carnage (CRN), Complex (CLX), Racoon, Spaceballs (SPB - SB - SPC), The Doodles, The Doodles Foundation (TDF), The Doodles Shock (TDS - D^S), The Silents (TSL)

Handle: Dean
Real Name: Mikko Lipiainen
Country: Finland
Groups: Carillon & Cyberiad (CNCD - CC), Carillon (CN), Complex (CLX), Cyberiad (CD), Damones (DMS), Odex, Society, Tsunami and Dean

Handle: Delorean
Real Name: Sakari Hannula
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Image (IMG), Vertigo

Handle: Der HM
Real Name: Mika Salminen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Complex (CLX), Gate, Image (IMG), Komplex (KLX), Style (SE), Vision One (V1)

Handle: Dweezil
Real Name: Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Byterapers Inc. ((B) - BR), Carillon (CN), Complex (CLX), Komplex (KLX), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Spennos Candian United Playboyz (SCUP), Stellar (STR)

Handle: E. Toball
Real Name: Erdmann Toball
Country: Germany
Groups: Addonic (ADC), Analog (ALG - A), Anarchy (A), Cachet Software, Complex (CLX), Dual Crew (DC), Sanity (SNT - S)

Handle: Epidemik
Real Name: n/a
Country: Finland
Groups: Banal Projects (BNL), Complex (CLX), Erosion, Intuition (ITU)

Handle: Excalibur
Real Name: Thomas Westman
Country: Sweden
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Complex (CLX), Dictators (DCT), Renegade (RNG), Strange (STR)

Handle: Fraction
Real Name: Juha Huuskonen
Country: Finland
Groups: Carillon & Cyberiad (CNCD - CC), Carillon (CN), Complex (CLX), Cyberiad (CD), Damones (DMS)

Handle: Hotshot
Real Name: Jarkko Sopanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Byterapers Inc. ((B) - BR), Complex (CLX), Stellar (STR)

Handle: Jugi
Real Name: Jukka Kaartinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Byterapers Inc. ((B) - BR), Complex (CLX), Disknet, Komplex (KLX)

Handle: MCM
Real Name: Alexander Lechner
Country: Germany
Groups: Amaze (AMZ), Anarchy (A), BlackSinus, Complex (CLX), Dual Crew (DC), Newlook, Spaceballs (SPB - SB - SPC), The Cult (CLT - Cult - Cultural Productions), Unlimited (ULN - UNI)

Handle: Mic Dair
Real Name: Aki Sihvonen
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Overload, Stack

Handle: Noogman
Real Name: Torsten Asholt
Country: Germany
Groups: Abandon (ABN), Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Artwork (ATW - ART), Complex (CLX), Endzeit (EZT), Scoopex (SCX)

Handle: Outlaw
Real Name: Janne Kontkanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Falcons (FLCS)

Handle: Pace
Real Name: Roger Andersson
Country: Sweden
Groups: Byte Busters (BB), Complex (CLX), Infect (IFT), Insane (INS), Medicine, Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Yela

Handle: Papa Smurf
Real Name: Kari Kuusela
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Destiny (DTY), Fairlight (FLT), Offworld, Team-X, Virtual Dreams (VD), Zigag

Handle: Proton
Real Name: currently not public
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Finnish Gold (FIG)

Handle: Raw Style
Real Name: Michael Krause
Country: Germany
Groups: Accooon, Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Complex (CLX), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Electronic Knocked, Farbrausch (FR), Infect (IFT), Jetset (JS), Lego (LGO), Level Four (Level 4 - L4 - L'4), Level Four Advanced Software Design (L4-ASD), Magic Cracking Service (MCS), Magic Demo Service (MDS), MainzelMaennchen Production (MM), Paradise (PDS - PRD - PDE - PSE), Polka Brothers (PB)

Handle: Reward
Real Name: Sami Vanhatalo
Country: Finland R.I.P.
Groups: Complex (CLX), Damones (DMS), Finnish Gold (FIG), III, Komplex (KLX), Scoopex (SCX), X-Beat

Handle: RTD
Real Name: Bastian Rolf
Country: Germany
Groups: Complex (CLX), Mexx (M)

Handle: Rubberbrain
Real Name: Lauri Pekonen
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Overload

Handle: Schmoovy Schmoov
Real Name: Sébastien Atoch
Country: Canada France
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Barbarians, Beuhhh, Complex (CLX), Crystal (CSL), Digital (DTL), Graal, Liquid (LQD), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Negat!ve D-Zign (Negative D-Zign - Negative), SoLariS (SLS), The Pornos, US

Handle: Shade
Real Name: Aki Enkenberg
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Offworld

Handle: Sire
Real Name: Christian Melsa
Country: Germany
Groups: Adept, Bauknecht (BKN), Complex (CLX), Free Electric Band pc, iD.EOLOGY, Lego (LGO), MainzelMaennchen Production (MM), Sanity (SNT - S), Sanity Complex Avena Lego und Andere (S.C.A.L.A.), Smash Designs (SDS), Still pc (ST), Supplex (SX - SPX)

Handle: Stargazer
Real Name: Antti Oksanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alien Adenoids, Azure, Chablis, Complex (CLX), Delusion Design, Doom, Equinox (EQX), Euphoria (EPH), Extreme (E), Sonic (SON - SNC), Sonik Clique, Squad One, Stellar (STR), The Bold and The Beautiful (B&B), The Special Brothers (TSB), Vision-X, Zaxon

Handle: Stratos
Real Name: Janne Oksanen
Country: Finland
Groups: Cannon, Complex (CLX), Decept (DCT), Erotic Raiders SF, Parallax Designs (Parallax - PRX - PLX), Sahara Surfers (S2), Xenon Projects Inc.

Handle: TDMF
Real Name: Josef Hinterkeuser
Country: Germany
Groups: Cocoon Dezign, Complex (CLX), Decision (DCN), Devils (DVS - DEV), Dreamdealers (DRD), Mexx (M), Motion (MTN), The Cult (CLT - Cult - Cultural Productions), The Dark Demon (TDD)

Handle: Titan
Real Name: Laurent Sebire
Country: France
Groups: Anarchy (A), Atlantys (ATS), Bomb!, Complex (CLX), Digital (DTL), Melting Pot (MTP), Scoopex (SCX), The Pornos, The Silents (TSL)

Handle: Tomcat
Real Name: Frank Greshake
Country: Germany
Groups: Access (ACS - ACC), Alpha Flight (AFL), Awesome (ASE), Betrayal (Golden Betrayal - BTL), Coma (CMA), Complex (CLX), Exage, Shining 8 (S8), The Exterminators (Exterminators), Zylon (ZLN)

Handle: Virgill
Real Name: Jochen Feldkötter
Country: Germany
Groups: Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Amiga Birthday Committee (ABC), Artwork (ATW - ART), Coma (CMA), Complex (CLX), Endzeit (EZT), Essence (ESC), Haujobb (HJB), Maniacs of Noise (MON), Masque (MSQ), Ministry (MNS - MST), Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Panic, Rebels (RBS - RBL), Rosebud, Sanity (SNT - S), Scoopex (SCX), Surprise!Productions (S!P), TBB, The Powers That Be (TPTB), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI)

Handle: Wal
Real Name: Mikko Karaiste
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Damones (DMS), Dekadence (DKD), Dual Crew (DC), Loctite (LCT), Magnetic Fields (MF), Offworld, Plague (PLG), Role, The Punishers (PNS)

Handle: Watchman
Real Name: Markku Maki
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Cryptoburners (CRB), Deathstar, Exodus (EXD)

Handle: Zany
Real Name: Tero Saarni
Country: Finland
Groups: Complex (CLX), Offworld, Virtual Dreams (VD)

Handle: Zodiak
Real Name: Erik Stridell
Country: Sweden
Groups: Cascada (CCA - CDA), Complex (CLX), Five Musicians (FM), Fraggabaharje, Groove (GRV), Imphobia (IMP), OMEGA, Pacman Prod., The Planet of Leather Moomins (TPOLM)

Handle: Zoltar
Real Name: Jose Mäenpää
Country: Finland
Groups: Advance (ADV), Complex (CLX), Doom, Sigma (SMA), Tornado (T), Vision-X

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