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Found (for RohFormat in groupid)
.:: 10 Hits ::.

Handle: Dupont
Real Name: G. van der Brugge
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: ADVANCE, Beam, Blacktron Music Productions (BMP), RohFormat, Twist (TW)

Handle: J. de Steur
Real Name: J. de Steur
Country: Unknown
Groups: RohFormat

Handle: J. Frohikey
Real Name: Joey Frohikey
Country: Czech Republic
Groups: RohFormat, TB2 pc

Handle: Karl Lihagen
Real Name: Karl Lihagen
Country: Sweden
Groups: Psychosmelodie, RohFormat

Handle: Maverick
Real Name: Mischa van de Bilt
Country: Belgium
Groups: Blacktron Music Productions (BMP), RohFormat

Handle: P. Nazon
Real Name: P. Nazon
Country: Unknown
Groups: RohFormat

Handle: Pherplexer
Real Name: Bogdan Rosu
Country: Romania
Groups: Advanced Rhythm Technologies (ART), Cloud Number 9 (Cloud 9 - CNN - Cloud Nine), Dump 52, Radioactive Minds (RM), RohFormat, Setup, Sol_Monotone, Subsonic Records (SSR)

Handle: Ronald van Aggelen
Real Name: Ronald van Aggelen
Country: The Netherlands
Groups: RohFormat

Handle: Ronny
Real Name: Ronny Pries
Country: Germany
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Bing Bang University (BBU), Electronic Knocked, Farbrausch (FR), Free Electric Band pc, LATEX, Lego (LGO), Phase Distortion (PHD - Phase D - Phase'd), RohFormat, Still pc (ST), Teklords (TLS - TL), Thinner

Handle: U. Known
Real Name: n/a
Country: Unknown
Groups: RohFormat

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