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Found (for Style (SE) in groupid)
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Handle: Behemoth
Real Name: Johan Lind
Country: Finland
Groups: Evacue (EVC), Style (SE)

Handle: Boheme
Real Name: Anssi Johansson
Country: Finland
Groups: 2000AD (2K AD - 2KAD - 2K - 2000 AD), Abuse (ABS), Bomb Squad (BS), Style (SE), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), Zymosis (ZMO - ZMS)

Handle: Coco Pops
Real Name: Tuomo Kallio
Country: Finland
Groups: Insane (INS), New Age, Ruskean Reian Ritarit (RRR), Style (SE)

Handle: Der HM
Real Name: Mika Salminen
Country: Finland
Groups: Alpha Flight (AFL), Complex (CLX), Gate, Image (IMG), Komplex (KLX), Style (SE), Vision One (V1)

Handle: Detonator
Real Name: n/a
Country: Belgium
Groups: Jetset (JS), Quasar, Style (SE)

Handle: DJ Elviz
Real Name: Alan Parley
Country: United Kingdom
Groups: Style (SE)

Handle: Elvis
Real Name: Pauli Pölkki
Country: Finland
Groups: D-29, Da Jormas (.jRM - Jormas), Elvis, Limbo (LBO), Panthera, Sacreds, SPECTRAL, Style (SE), Zymosis (ZMO - ZMS)

Handle: QuartZ
Real Name: Jérémie Jacques Antti Hallama
Country: Finland
Groups: Admirals (ADM), Bomb Squad (BS), Da Jormas (.jRM - Jormas), Humane (HMN), Ignominy, Live Act, Mystic (MST), Regency, Style (SE), Syzygy

Handle: Repe
Real Name: Niko Virta
Country: Finland
Groups: K!nky (KKY - Kinky), Ruskean Reian Ritarit (RRR), Style (SE)

Handle: Stezotehic
Real Name: Alpo Palokangas
Country: Finland
Groups: 6 Crew (6C), Humane (HMN), Humane-Vanity (HMN & VTY - H&V), Krafted (KRF), Mystic (MST), Style (SE), World Industries (WDI)

Handle: TBB
Real Name: Tero Hilpinen
Country: Finland
Groups: Extend (EXT), Side B, Style (SE)

Handle: Trivial
Real Name: n/a
Country: Sweden
Groups: Die Kranken Bomber (DKB - Krak), Divine Stylers (DS!), Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Low Profile (LP! - Lo'Pro - Lo'Profile - Lo' Profile), Style (SE), The Data Division (TDD - DAT)

Handle: Zinko
Real Name: Jack Dandanell
Country: Denmark
Groups: Crux (CRX), Crystal (CSL), Damones (DMS), Deadlock (DLK), Digital Corruption (dC), Disorder, Fairlight (FLT), Kefrens (KFS - K - KEF), Leeds Spreading Division - Light Speed Distribution (LSD), Looker House (LKR), Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Melon Dezign (Melon - MLN), Motion (MTN), Polka Brothers (PB), Rowdy c64, Royal (RYL), Style (SE), The Data Division (TDD - DAT), The Drifters (DFT), The Goonies (Goonies 2041), The Lightforce (TLF - LFC), The Shadow Dreamers c64, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI), X-Trek (X!)

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