Found (for Scoopex (SCX) in groupid )
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Handle: | Acryl | Real Name: | Michael M. Müller | Country: | | Groups: | Abyss (AYS), AcmE pc, Essence (ESC), Haujobb (HJB), Legend Design (LD), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), New Age, Pain (P!), Radical Rhythms (RR), Scoopex (SCX), Session (SSN) |
Handle: | Bay Tremore | Real Name: | currently not public | Country: | | Groups: | AlphaForce (ARC), Balance (BLC), Eufrosyne, Frogs, Fusion (FSN), Haujobb (HJB), Loveboat (LUV), Mono211 (M211), Monotonik (MONO - No' Mo' - MT - MTK), Most Valuable Playaz (Mo'Playaz - MVP), PARAGON, Scoopex (SCX), Target, The Lunatics (LNCS - LNS - Lunatics) |
Handle: | Bird | Real Name: | Kaare Bøje Hansen | Country: | | Groups: | Color, Edge (EDG), Gunnars Farvebio (GFB), Haujobb (HJB), Illi Recentes ImperatoreS (IRIS - IRS), Kingdom (KGD), Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Myth (MTH), Noise (NSE), Oblivion (OBL), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Scoopex (SCX), Visage (VSG), Vixen (VXN) |
Handle: | Blz | Real Name: | Wojciech Golczewski | Country: | | Groups: | Exmortis (XMS), Few Unfothomed Scriptural Exclusions (FUSE - FSE), Floppy (FLP - Flopi), Grape, Mad Elks (MDE), Mystic (MST), Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Old Bulls (OLB - OB), Plastic (PLC), Proxis, Prozess, Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), Revelation pc (RVL), Scoopex (SCX), Status OK, Surprise!Productions (S!P), Szpont, Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI) |
Handle: | Colorbird | Real Name: | Johan Andersson | Country: | | Groups: | Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), ATOMIC, Circle (CiR), Exile, IlluSion (ILS), Jetset (JS), Majic 12 (M12 - MJ12), Noxious (NXS), Patriots, Phenomena (PHA), Phew! Productions, Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), Scoopex (SCX), Strange (STR), Subspace (SBS - SSC), Supplex (SX - SPX), The Silents (TSL) |
Handle: | CPT | Real Name: | Benjamin Chapé | Country: | | Groups: | Alcatraz (ATZ - ACZ), Angels, Crux (CRX), Devils (DVS - DEV), FISC, Fusion (FSN), Hoodlum (HDL - HLM), Hysteria (HST), Level 21, Offenders, Paradox (PDX), Phoenix (PHX - PNX), Scoopex (SCX), The Frog Buds (TFB - Frog), Zenith (ZNT - Z) |
Handle: | Dalezy | Real Name: | Ronny Engmann | Country: | | Groups: | Blown to Bits (BTB), Chipmob (CPM), Creators (CTR), Defacto2 (DF2), Devotion to Darkness (DTD), Distance (DST), Ethos9 (E9), Fantastic 4 Cracking Group c64 (F4CG), Gothic Shapes (GS), House Experience (House Xperience - HX), Hymen (HY), Just (JS), Level-D (LVD), MadWizards (MAWI - MWI), Most Valuable Playaz (Mo'Playaz - MVP), Motivate (MTV), No, ONSLAUGHT (ONS), Radical Rhythms (RR), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Rebels pc (RBS - RBL), Scoopex (SCX), Shock! Records (SKR), Shoot (SHT), Still pc (ST), Superior Art Creations (SAC), Supreme Immortal Art (SIA), Tequila (TQL), The Silents (TSL), Toyzone, Triad c64 (3AD), Tripomatic Project, Twist (TW), Wrath Designs (WD) |
Handle: | Darkus | Real Name: | Lee Harwood | Country: | | Groups: | Aerosol (ASL), Anathema (ATM - ANT), CrossPoint (CP!), Deviance, Digital (DTL), Freezers (FRS - FRZ), Haujobb (HJB), Low Profile (LP! - Lo'Pro - Lo'Profile - Lo' Profile), Mangoo, Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Nautika, NetWork (NTW), Nuance (NCE), Phuture 303 (P303), Poise Records (PSR), Prophets, Rave Network Overscan (RNO - R.N.O.), Reason (RSN), Rebels (RBS - RBL), Scoopex (SCX), Skid Row (SR - SKR), SOS, Surprise!Productions (S!P), Tristar & Red Sector Inc. (TRSI) |
Handle: | Deetsay | Real Name: | Tero Heikki Mäyränen | Country: | | Groups: | Ansi Factory (AFC), Ball, Charon (CH), Da Jormas (.jRM - Jormas), Dual Crew & Shining (DCS), Grace (GRC - GCE), HiRMU, Insane (INS), Jeskola! Productions (J!P), Orange, Panic, Scoopex (SCX), Zymosis (ZMO - ZMS) |
Handle: | Djamm | Real Name: | Reynald Deliens | Country: | | Groups: | Bomb!, EKO Productions st (EKO), EXA, French Collective, Igloo, Kloon (KLN), Level-D (LVD), Most Valuable Playaz (Mo'Playaz - MVP), No Way st, nOmad, Pulpe, Ramses Prod (Ramses), Replicans st (REP), Ribbon, Scoopex (SCX), Silk Design, Sunlikamelo-D (SLK), Synaps |
Handle: | Estrayk | Real Name: | Carlos del Alamo | Country: | | Groups: | Capsule (CSL - CPS), Chanka, Darkness (DKS), Empire st, Fifth Generation (5th Generation - 5THG - FG), Fusion (FSN), Iguana pc (IGN), Nah-Kolor (NAH - N-K), Paradise (PDS - PRD - PDE - PSE), Paradox (PDX), Pussy (PSY), Ram Jam (RJ - RJM), Razor 1911 (Razor - RZR), Scoopex (SCX), The Lords of The Bits (TLOTB), Zaborra c64 |
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